Get To Know Us
Pathway Foundation for Health and Economic Empowerment (PFHEE) was born in 2022 to contribute to improving the health and well-being of the marginalised and vulnerable people especially the young people in their diversity and other Populations Left Behind. Pathway Foundation For Health and Economic Empowerment wants to do things differently and through the vision of its founder Caroline Mukebezi whose experiences of working with NGOs in Africa and the UK, believe that current development models and thinking should be done differently.Inspired by her mother’s death in the fight against HIV/AIDS, stigma, discrimination, equality to promote positive living and a world free AIDS’ generation. Caroline believes that this will not only keep her mother’s legacy alive but also improves the lives and health of people who are faced with challenges accessing health services in Uganda.Pathway Foundation intends to work in partnership with private and public stakeholders and the Government of Uganda to improve access to health care, provide, empower young and vulnerable people especially women with economic and livelihood skills to enhance their wellbeing. The Pathway Foundation for Health and Economic Empowerment believes that poverty is a key determinant of good health and overall health outcomes cannot be realised without increasing the economic circumstances of those marginalised and vulnerable especially young and adolescent women. It believes that every person should have the right to the highest standard of health care, education, and employment. Our vision is to improve the health and social economic potentials of young people in their efforts to achieve self-reliance; exercise their rights and improve the quality of their lives. The impact group of PFFHEE programming is Youth in their diversity especially young and marginalised women and other populations left behind.
Our Mission
Pathway Foundation for Health and Economic Empowerment
PFFHEE’s mission is to promote the health, economic opportunities for young people in order to improve and secure, a value-adding future
Our Vision
Pathway Foundation for Health and Economic Empowerment
to improve the health and social economic potentials of young people in their efforts to achieve self-reliance; exercise their rights and improve the quality of their lives. The impact group of PFFHEE programming is Youth in their diversity especially young and marginalised women and other populations left behind.
HIV prevention, Care and Treatment
Uganda continues to face a high burden and there is a fear covid has halted progress made in the last few years. HIV prevalence is almost four times higher among young women aged 15 to 24 than young men of the same age. This is caused by many issues including gender-based violence (including sexual abuse) and a lack of access to education, health services, social protection and information about how they cope with these inequities and injustices. Also, in Uganda, approximately 25 per cent of new HIV infections are among members of these key populations and their partners.
The organization pursues a holistic approach to addressing the problems and continues to educate, motivate, and inspire young, marginalised people to make a difference in their community